Agora: How to Live Happily?

According to the Stoics, happiness is not some elevated, fleeting emotional state, but rather a stable state of mind that encompasses and defines one's life. How can one live contentedly and happily in today's world, where economic and social uncertainties have been continuously increasing in recent times?
How far does our influence extend over our lives? What are the things we can change, and what are the things we need to let go of in order to be happier and more carefree? What are the fundamental virtues of a happy person?
Come to the next Agora on Thursday (05/09/2023) at 6:00 PM at the small lake in Sétaerdő, and learn about the Stoic life tips for finding your inner happiness.


The discussion will be led by Sárcsevity Hajdú Bea, a social policy expert.

