Agora – The Nature of Care
The concept of care or helping is as old as humanity itself and is a central element of our existence. It is a multidimensional and complex phenomenon that goes beyond empathetic and responsible individual actions aimed at meeting physical needs. Care is not merely an active act of helping; it is an integral part of interpersonal relationships, holding communal, societal, and political roles intertwined with moral, psychological, and economic issues.
The nature of care can be examined from multiple perspectives (philosophical, sociological, psychological), taking into account individual, societal, and cultural contexts.
The ethics of care is an ethical theory that emphasizes the importance of personal relationships, empathy, care, and responsibility toward others in moral decision-making.
Reflecting on care raises questions such as: What do we owe to others? What does it mean to be a good parent, partner, or person? It considers what it means to care for another and how this care connects with a person’s ability to improve themselves. What is the relationship between care and justice? How can care be seen as a political concept?
At the next Agora, held on November 25 at 6:30 PM at Klara i Rosa, we will delve deeper into and discuss the role of care in shaping individuals and society.
The discussion will be led by Bea Sárcsevity Hajdú, a social policy expert.