Agora: The Philosophical Approach to Anxiety

"Anxiety can be compared to dizziness. The one who looks into a yawning abyss begins to feel dizzy. But why? Partly because of the abyss, and partly because they cannot see the depth of the abyss. But would they have felt dizzy if they hadn’t looked down? Anxiety, therefore, is the dizziness of freedom, which arises when the spirit wants to posit the synthesis, and freedom looks deep into its possibilities, grasping finitude there to hold onto it." – Kierkegaard


Kierkegaard was the first philosopher to make the phenomenon of anxiety a subject of discourse. Today, anxiety has become a defining aspect of human existence, and its interpretation is studied by various fields of science. But what is the difference between anxiety and fear? What purpose does it serve, and how can we resolve our anxiety?


Join us for the next Agora, which will be held on Thursday (29/08/2023) at 6:00 PM at the Monument to the Victims of Fascism in Subotica, as we try to understand the nature of anxiety together.


The discussion will be led by Sárcsevity Hajdú Bea, a social policy expert.

