agora : "To Have or To Be"

The next Agora on the topic "To Have or To Be" will take place on Wednesday, July 3, at 7 PM, and we will meet by the pond in Dudova Šuma. Join us!
The conversation will be led by Boris Čegar, professor of philosophy.
"To Have or To Be" is the title of the renowned philosophical-anthropological work by Erich Fromm, in which he presents the fundamental phenomena of human existence viewed through the lens of two basic modes: having and being. This existential disjunction is crucial for the essence of humanity. The dilemma of having or being is one that every individual should be aware of as a condition for the possibility of personal freedom—in the simulacrum of possession versus the truth of being. When framed this way, it may seem that the choice has already been made: one should be. However, is a choice truly possible, or more precisely, is it even a choice at all?

