Agora: Cognition

The next Agora with the theme "Cognition" will be held on Wednesday, July 17 at 7 p.m., and we will meet in the park across from Mešc (Trg Lazara Nešića). Join us!
The discussion will be led by Boris Čegar, a philosophy professor.


Cognition is one of those words that seem very familiar to us, but as soon as we try to define them more closely, we encounter difficulties. What does it really mean to know something, or is cognition the knowledge of something individual or the process of illuminating some kind of whole? Can cognition end at the rational, or does it involve emotional, mystical, or some other agenda? Is the peak of knowledge self-knowledge or is it only the beginning? How to determine the criteria of true cognition and is it possible outside the dominant paradigm, that is, in an absolute sense?
This program is supported by @guerrillafoundation @guerrillafoundation

