We are starting a series of open discussions in public spaces and inviting citizens of various generations, perspectives, education levels, and professions to reflect together on various topics and develop a culture of dialogue. By choosing various and unexpected gathering places, we aim to build civic space all around us.
Practicing gathering and contemplation in public space in the form of Agora, we invite you to exchange opinions without judgment, experiment, and accept others and the differences.
The first meeting of the Agora will take place in the park near the “Svetozar Marković” Gymnasium on Wednesday, June 12, starting at 7 PM.
Participation is free, and everyone is welcome!
The discussion will be conducted in the Serbian-Croatian-Bunjevac language.
The discussion will be led by Boris Čegar, a philosophy professor.
Utopia, as a non-existent place, is synonymous with a just society in Thomas More's context but is also often associated with impossible political realities. The term is frequently used to denote what the speaker considers an illusion.
Is it possible to ask the question, "Is utopia possible?" If so, does raising this question represent a kind of escapism or the establishment of ideals? We inquire about the possibility of achieving a just society, a political community where the ideal of justice will be realized. In doing so, we do not rely on notions of salvation that typically have a religious character; on the contrary, we in some way refute them, refusing to accept transcendent justice and the promise of otherworldly fulfillment of eternal justice.
Can we think of utopia, or is it an abstraction that ultimately remains just an empty word? Does the idea of utopia have any clear content, or is it a vague representation of something ideal, of a certain order that is unattainable?
o utopiji nekog jasnog sadržaja ili se radi o maglovitoj predstavi nečega idealnog, o nekom poretku koji je
Already, the concepts of justice and the ideal are emerging as problematic: Is what is just what is, or what it ought to be?