Agora: "Artificial Intelligence and the Death of Artists and Scientists"

Our next AGORA will be held at Klara i Rosa (Petefi Šandor 15) on Friday, October 25, starting at 7 PM!
🗣️ Topic: "Artificial Intelligence and the Death of Artists and Scientists"
The looming presence of artificial intelligence raises old questions, like the death of art, and new ones, such as the death of science, both involving the survival of artists and scientists. If algorithms can replicate every style, movement, and individual artist's pattern from history, does this mean the artist as we know it is dead? Or is the artist evolving into a philosopher, or even entering a transhumanist symbiosis with the machine? And what about scientists? If AI surpasses them in solving technological, experimental, and mathematical-theoretical challenges, will the scientist evolve into an educator who explains science without creating it? Or will they become redundant, as AI may do that more effectively as well? Ultimately, is the last great challenge of natural intelligence to create artificial intelligence? And what does that mean for the future of art?
The conversation will be led by Boris Čegar, professor of philosophy.
