Exhibition of Student Works "Maria-Theresiopel – Planning the Plain"

On Friday, July 19, starting at 7:00 PM, an exhibition of works by students from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, titled "Maria-Theresiopel – Planning the Plain," will be held at Klara i Rosa (Petefi Šandora 15).

The exhibited works were created under the mentorship of Professor Ivan Rašković and research assistant and doctoral candidate Dezire Tilinger. Students were tasked with responding to the context of Subotica through their master theses and projects. Due to the specific character of the Pannonian landscape and the cultural-historical circumstances that shaped the city, students conceptualized projects addressing rural-urban, national-cultural, and old-new relations, highlighting various challenges and potentials of Subotica.


U sklopu izložbe predviđena je kratka prezentacija studentskih radova i razgovor sa zainteresovanom
publikom na temu arhitekture i ubranizma Subotice.

Free enterance.
