Kvartitura 2024 – Francis K.A. i Čuvari Stvari

This year, we remain committed to the idea that art can bring any space to life—all it takes is a performer or an artwork, and an audience. KVARTITURA brings art into everyday spaces, allowing us to experience creative content that can enrich our day and broaden our perspectives without the need for planning or prior knowledge.
Četvrtak, 12. septembar 2024. / Dudova šuma / 19;00
Throughout September, we'll organize events in various unexpected locations. The first event will take place on Thursday, September 12, at 7 p.m., in Dudova Forest (near the lake), where we'll have the pleasure of hearing two fantastic bands from Belgrade: Francis K.A. and Čuvari stvari.
Program je podržala Ametek fondacija.
Francis K.A. is a band formed in Belgrade. This duo, composed of Tamara Jeličić and Miloš Mihajlović, came together through their shared love of melancholic electronic sounds. Their first songs, released on the EP Nežnost retka je (Rare is the Tenderness), blend alternative and pop, with guitar lines that add a rock sensibility to the mix.
Čuvari Stvari, founded in 2019 in Belgrade, tackle various dilemmas and social issues in their songs. The group consists of Ivana Milošević (vocals), Tamara Jeličić (bass), Sanja Rajić (guitar, vocals), Lena Mikuška (vocals), Mihailo Tadić (synth), and Matvej (drums, vocals). They recently released an EP titled Tonem (I’m Sinking). The diverse musical tastes of the members have resulted in Tonem being an interesting blend of genres.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Dudova!
