About the Commons: Spaces of Commoning

The question of whether to "stay or leave" and the dilemma between apathy and action form a fundamental challenge for many individuals facing social, political, and economic hardships. Should we retreat to preserve our inner peace, or should we engage and take action, even when faced with significant obstacles?


We will explore opportunities for action and the spaces for togetherness that emerge when we focus on constructive solutions during a panel discussion on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, starting at 6 PM at Klara i Rosa (15 Petefi Šandor Street).


An individual united with a group can achieve far more than working alone, as the synergy of collective action amplifies voices and ideas. Groups can launch initiatives that outlast individual efforts, building organizations and movements that remain active even after some members step away.


To mark the reissue of the book Spaces of Commoning: Urban Commons in the ex-YU Region, we are organizing a conversation with self-organized groups that establish, defend, or manage shared spatial resources, aiming to create systems and relationships based not on market logic but on principles of equality, solidarity, and fairness.


Speakers include representatives from the local association Tahles from Mala Bosna, represented by Jelena Poljaković and Natalija Boke, as well as initiators of the informal group Subotica is Not Dead. Joining them will be representatives of the Alternative Cultural Center Gnezdo from Kruševac and the Prostorište initiative from Belgrade.


The discussion will be moderated by Iva Čukić from the collective Ministry of Space and co-editor of the book, alongside Gordana Vukov Ciganjik from the Klara i Rosa association.


Research shows that activism can improve individual quality of life. When we contribute something beneficial to society, we experience a greater sense of vitality and satisfaction.
