Support and donate
Since the beginning of 2023, at the address Petefi Šandora 15, we have been organizing various events (film screenings, workshops, exhibitions, panels, lectures, concerts, communal cooking, and social gatherings) where we have the opportunity to meet and get to know the people and cultures that make our city special. Your support can help make our programs more visible, diverse, and richer, and make our city more vibrant. Donate, share this call with your acquaintances, propose a program you would like to see or implement yourself (klarairosa@gmail.com).
Together we build the community! Support us!
By making a donation to our donation account.
Recipient name: Klara i Rosa
Address: Petefi Šandora 15, Subotica
Account number 160-423936-35, Banca Intesa
Purpose of payment: Donation
Payment code 290
If you want to be involved in our work as a long-term donor, you can set up a standing order with your bank and start making monthly donations of an amount of your choice.
Tel.: +381 64 3160872
E-mail: klarairosa@gmail.com