Borderland: Telling Intergenerational and Multicultural Stories

On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 2 PM, we will host representatives from the Borderland Center (Centar Pograničje) in Poland. They will share their experiences in creating animated films with children and community members. We invite educators working with youth, both in formal and informal settings, as well as young people themselves, to join us and explore creative ways to address topics such as community building, acceptance, and fostering intercultural dialogue.


The presentation will take place at the Klara i Rosa (15 Petefi Šandor Street).


The Borderland Stories Film Collection is an artistic and educational project by the Borderland Foundation and Center, comprising 120 animated films that explore neighborhood, multicultural, and intergenerational traditions of the small town of Sejny. These films serve as a tool for teaching about a century-long tradition of tolerance, community building, diversity, and national minorities. Their themes reflect the town’s history, spanning pre-war, wartime, and post-war periods. Designed for audiences of all ages, the collection includes fairy tales and legends that introduce children to the history of their town. The educational and artistic activities initiated by the Borderland Center rebuild this world from fragments of old human stories, legends, photographs, prayers, songs, and memories of current residents. The collection was created collaboratively—from interviews, scriptwriting, and visual design to puppets, set design, animation, narration, and music—by dozens of children and youth from diverse national, cultural, and religious backgrounds. They often involved their parents, grandparents, and neighbors, working under the mentorship of accomplished artists, directors, musicians, and animators.
