Lecture: My immigrant story

On Tuesday, July 30, from 7 p.m., in the space of Klara and Rosa (Petefi Sandora 15), we will host Dragana and Mihajla Hajduk and Marija Bošković, our fellow citizens who immigrated to Canada more than 20 years ago.
They will talk about motivation to leave, mastering a foreign language, professional career, raising children abroad, sense of national/cultural belonging, sense of belonging in general, schooling, impact of globalization on daily life in both countries, differences between European and North American emigration.
Dragana is a person who believes in the benefits of diversity. The goal of the time in which we live, in her opinion, should be to make people aware of the importance of differences in nature and among people as beings of nature. It is the medicine of our humanity. Nature is collective, which means that man, if he is connected with other people, survives. It's love.
Program je podržan od strane Guerrilla Foundation.